Tax Breaks: Interest paid to a credit card is money down the drain. Interest paid to a mortgage can be used as a tax write-off. 减税:支付给信用卡的利息是血本无归的,而支付给贷款的利息可以用于税务注销。
Tax write-off for all the expenditures 纳税时各项费用的冲销
Well, travis, I just felt that the eye should be shared with the world, instead of locked away in my personal museum. besides, it's a great tax write-off. 特拉维斯,我只是感到与其把它锁在我的私人博物馆里这宝石更应该由全世界共享。何况还能减少不少税。
It is possible the tax write-off alone will make homebuying right for you. 可能税务减免是你购房时的有利因素。
On tax policy scope, to embody the neuter principle of tax, it is suggested that we use Write-off Method to recognize and deduct bad debt losses instead of Provision Method. 在税收政策上,宜用注销法代替准备金法确认和扣除企业呆账损失,以体现税收中性原则。